Articles of Faith


1.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 1, by Photios Kontoglou; 2.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 2, by Photios Kontoglou; 3.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 3, by Photios Kontoglou; 4.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 4, by Photios Kontoglou; 5.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 5, by Photios Kontoglou; 6.  Balaam’s Ass, Part 6, by Photios Kontoglou; 7.  The Fairy­Tale “Good Ole Days”; 8.  The Ethical Man and the Holy Man; 9.  A Banquet in the Desert; 10.  The Beautiful Daughter of the King

11.  How to Work Miracles; 12.  The Star of Bethlehem, by St. John Chrysostom; 13.  The Kollyvades, from Stephen Kommetas; 14.  The Martyrdom of the Holy Kollyvades; 15.  Not Pantheists; 16.  Latins and Latinizers; 17.  Psalm 19:1; 18.  The Mystic Tongs; 19.  The Robber Gospel; 20.  The Fast of the Shifty Animal; 

21.  Remembering the Reposed; 22.  On the Death of a Child, by St. Ephraim the Syrian; 23.  Capital Punishment in Christian Byzantium; 24.  What Works Work?; 25.  I Would Choose a Tiger; 26.  A Prayer for the Day; 27.  Keeping the Traditions; 28.  The Heresy of Donatus; 29.  What is Donatism?; 30.  Against the Heresy of Donatism, from The Great Geronticon; 

31.  The Train from Kazan; 32.  No Room for Snakes; 33.  The Two Commandments; 34.  Crystal Clear; 35.  Crystal Clear #2; 36.  Two Ways to Destroy a Carpet; 37.  How to Convince Greeks; 


1. Against Cremation; 2. Another Prophecy Fulfilled; 3. Axios!; 4. On the Brink of Eternity; 5. Casting Out Demons in Christ’s Name; 6. On a Christian Burial; 7. “Cretans Are Always Liars”; 8. A Cure for Depression; 9. “Desire Earnestly the Best Gifts”; 10. East Meets West; 

11. Emmanuel’s Almah Mater; 12. On Emotional Attachment; 13. Fidelity to Christ and Tolerance towards Others; 14. Fresh Chestnuts!; 15. The Garbage Man of Bagdad; 16. Good King Hezekias; 17. The Greek Soul; 18. The Heresy of Name-Fighters; 

 19. Holy Fools; 20. A Hymn of the Prophets; 

21. I’m Glad You Asked; 22. Is Mankind Rational?; 23. I Am a Jealous God; 24. Jewish Doctors; 25. Light a Candle; 26. A Bad Experience Can Be a Good Thing; 27. Not a Religion of Peace; 28. The Problem with Acts 20:35; 29. Pseudomorphosis; 30. The Repose of Moses; 

31. A Rerun; 32. The Rock That Marched with Israel; 33. “The Savour of Death”; 34. A Short Course in Orthodox Dogmatics; 35. Sinners of the World, Unite!; 36. Spiros and Stelios; 37. The Supreme Court’s Decision on “Same-Sex Marriage”; 38. The Terminal Logic of Secular Humanism; 39. The Three Doctors and the Physician of All; 40. Three Shortcuts to Orthodoxy; 

41. Two Good Books; 42. What Delight of Life Remaineth No Party to Grief?; 43. What Have We to Do with Thee, O Jesus?; 44. Wisdom is Justified by Her Children.